Lauren Tenney, PhD, MPhil, MPA, is a psychiatric survivor and environmental psychologist.
The #FDAStopTheShockDevice petition has received over 2,200 signatures and 800+ comments. A more thorough analysis of those comments is forthcoming, however, we wanted to offer a glimpse of what people shared. The sixth, seventh, and eighth most common words used in the comments submitted through the petition were “damage,” “barbaric” and “torture.” We must continue the fight to make sure that the FDA hears the people who will be adversely affected by the proposed rule if it becomes an order. There is still a small window of time for you to sign the petition and leave a comment to the FDA.
Etc has damaged me permanently! I tell people I have a traumatic head injury often, to explain the damage it caused me! Since I am a disabled veteran they assume it’s from the war. I can’t explain to them it’s from shock treatment. People wouldn’t believe or understand unless they have had it done or been close to someone who has! I am so glad I found this site! I don’t feel so alone and crazy about it! Thank you!