Our purpose is to gather information from other ECT survivors with the purpose of improving standards in the consent process, improving safety, and potentially filing a potential class action lawsuit.
If you feel you have suffered permanent injury from the use of ECT or the use of ECT on your person was not fully explained in the consent process then we hope you will fill out our ECT questionnaire. In gathering information from the questionnaire we expect to find commonalities among survivors that will empower us to effect change in the use of ECT as a therapy modality for mental illness and Parkinson’s disease and to ultimately stop its use in its current form.
If you have suffered memory loss or cognitive issues following ECT, it is important to have documentation of loss. If you are able, seek neuro/cognitive testing from a psychologist who is certified in this area. Ask for a copy of these results for your personal record. For the record you may also want to request an EEG from a qualified neurologist and retain a copy of the results once the report is complete.
It is our hope that together we can and will be a voice that is heard and the use of ECT will be eliminated. If you are an ECT survivor please know that you are not alone! Together we can make a difference.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our ECT Questionnaire to the best of your ability.
I had ECT done 17 times through Jan.-Feb. in 1998. Lost 26 years of my life, since 1990.
Though my shocks were done 8 years later, my life time memories are gone. so are my abilities, home, daughter, love of my life, and friends.
I have been suicidal after ECT many times, and it’s like a slow and lingering death.
I think all psychiatrists who do this, should do it to themselves.
I cry daily, weekly, always.
Richard, it is commendable that you are working hard as an activist and staging interventions regarding this brutal assault. Especially at a time Pro-ECT videos are popping up like mushrooms on you tube and the Huff Post is printing articles from women proclaiming ECT saved their lives. Hopefully people will come to this website before they sign up for ECT /TBI or allow their family members to be injured by it.
Deb has done a wonderful job with this blog and the main website.
I hope more people will share their stories to counteract the PR, lies, and spin generated by the APA, shock companies, and
shock “doctors” ( and I use the term lightly) like Dave Healy and Sarah Lisanby.
An advocate should stand at the door of every hospital/clinic brain damaging people with ECT, handing out literature that would protect these future victims.
If you have anything to share about ECT, please comment here.
just started ECT treatments for depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I knew nothing of ECT treatments until a few months ago. Reading this info has put fear in me. Please share more info with me.
Do you know of any literature that shows connection between ECT and arachnoid hemorrhages and later NPH?
This cite is much needed, desperately needed. I am an ECT survivor and activist, having staged various interventions in medical settings in the course of hospital treatments. In other words I boldly declare the catastrophic effects of ECT on myself and family. I have written reports, letters and various communications to confront the medical world and public about the extreme dangers of ECT I have suffered much cognitive and memory impairment including NPH diagnosis, with the leading symptoms being dementia, incontinence and shuffling gait. I am considering surgery and have been slated for surgery but backed off wanting to get more background information. Do you know of any literature that shows connection between ECT and arachnoid hemorrhages and later NPH?
Thanks Richard Shannon