Severe & Permanent Memory Loss?
Brain Damage?
Cardiovascular Complications?
Cognitive Issues?
Have you been damaged by electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? Please fill out the questionnaire below to the best of your ability.
We are seeking people damaged by electroshock. Our goal is to help you seek compensation for your injuries, and to ensure others do not suffer your fate.
Upon completion of our review of your questionnaire, we will contact you to determine if we
need any further information and/or whether there is a need to start the process of obtaining your
ECT medical records. In the meantime, please continue to document your ECT-related
difficulties and seek whatever medical care as necessary.
Please understand that while we hope to be able to assist as many ECT patients as possible, we
are not able to assist everyone. The decisions as to who we can assist are based upon each
individual’s circumstances.