Deborah Schwartzkopff, ECT survivor and founder of ECT Justice, talks about the medical and legal implications of … Watch video

ECT Survivors Website
Have you or a loved one suffered permanent injury from ECT? Was the risk of ECT was not fully explained in the consent process? If so, we hope you will fill out our ECT questionnaire. In gathering this information, we expect to find commonalities among survivors that will empower us to effect change in the use of ECT as a therapy modality for mental illness and Parkinson’s disease, and to ultimately put an end to this practice. The survey and media spokesperson pages are open to ECT survivors internationally.
Become a media contact and tell your story. Expose the lies and misinformation about electroshock. Click here.
Deborah Schwartzkopff, ECT survivor and founder of ECT Justice, talks about the medical and legal implications of … Watch video
ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) involves the application of two electrodes to the head to pass electricity … Read more
Dr. John Breeding, psychologist, counselor, educator and activist. Nine minutes of Truth about … Watch video
Electroshock survivor, Kenny, tells his personal story of life after the 30 "treatments" inflicted on him at age … Watch video.
ECT Justice was created to help advocate for ECT survivors and their families and to gather and disseminate information about known risks of ECT. If you are an ECT survivor suffering from post-ECT cognitive deficiencies, please know you are not alone. By sharing your issues, we are able to continue our efforts toward helping ensure that appropriate warnings of the potential risk of permanent injury gets provided to anyone considering ECT. Together we can make a difference.